Raúl Dávalos, Ph.D.

Profesor Auxiliar 1


Short Bio:

Raúl Leandro Dávalos Monteiro,

BSc. Chemical Engineering (EPN-Ecuador), MSc. Corrosion (UoM-UK) & PhD Materials Science (UoM-UK).

In 2014, I got a chemical engineering degree, then I worked for more than 2 years in the oil & gas industry as a trainee engineer within the drilling and workover area (location: Ecuador-Latin America).
After getting good experience in the oil and gas industry, I decided to go further in my education. I was granted a full scholarship to study for a Master’s degree in Corrosion Control Engineering at The University of Manchester in the UK. Eventually, I graduated with a distinction MSc degree in 2016.

In 2017, I was appointed Early Stage Researcher in the international chemical company AkzoNobel, in which I worked on developing a research project on corrosion testing. The latter was also managed by the Department of Materials of the University of Manchester, in which I got enrolled and sponsored to complete a Ph.D. in Material Science. While working for AkzoNobel, I was assigned an international secondment to Italy. I did my research in the laboratories of the Powder Technology Centre for almost two years.

In 2020, I was recruited by the energy multinational company Baker Hughes, as a Corrosion Specialist, in the Materials Science and Engineering Team that is based in Newcastle England. I developed some skills in corrosion modelling, materials durability, and materials selection for flexible pipes and risers.

After 6 years of studying and working in the UK and Europe, in 2021, I came back to Ecuador, where I am a full-time Lecturer and Researcher in Materials Science at Yachay Tech University.

Summarizing, in the last 10 years, I have acquired valuable knowledge in: chemical engineering, corrosion, electrochemistry, materials life prediction, corrosion testing, organic coatings and advanced characterization of metals and polymers, and, moreover some experience in teaching/lecturing/guiding university students.


Summary of Interests:

• Materials Science
• Biomaterials
• Advanced Characterization – SEM/EDX, XRD, XPS
• Electrochemistry
• Corrosion and degradation of Materials
• Nanomaterials
• Materials for biomedical applications
• Organic Coatings
• Polymers


Selected Publications

Corrosion behaviour of type 316l stainless steel in hot caustic aqueous environments
R Davalos Monteiro, J van de Wetering, B Krawczyk, DL Engelberg
Metals and Materials International 26 (5), 630-640

Observations of corrosion product formation and stress corrosion cracking on brass samples exposed to ammonia environments
R Davalos-Monteiro
Materials Research 22

Relationship between natural exposure testing and cyclic corrosion testing ISO 20340 for the assessment of the durability of powder-coated steel
R Davalos-Monteiro, G D’Ambrosio, X Zhou, S Gibbon, M Curioni
Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 56 (8), 742-752