Vladimir Bonilla, Ph.D.



Vladimir Bonilla obtained his B.Sc. in Automation and Control at Peoples’ Friendship University, Moscow – Russia 2002. Then, he received in 2004 his M.Sc. from Don State Technical University (Russia), where he worked in the Mechatronics Laboratory. In 2018 earned his Ph.D. in Devices, Systems and Medical Products from the South Federal University


Research interests.

His research interests lie in the generation of prosthesis control signals by means of biosignals and artificial neural networks. He also works in the area of Mechatronics and Intelligent Control Systems.


Selected Publications

  • Diseño de un sistema de control de prótesis transfemoral basado en redes neuronales. Congreso: XI Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Mecatrónica y Automatización, Universidad Mariana – Colombia 2022.
  • Sistema experto para el prediagnóstico médico de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Congreso: XI Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Mecatrónica y Automatización, Universidad Mariana – Colombia 2022.
  • Integración de un Sistema Para el Conteo Celular en Proliferación de Marcadores KI en Placas Tumorales con Inmunohistoquímica. F Estrella, V Bonilla, M Moya – ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ, СИСТЕМНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ И УПРАВЛЕНИЕ (ИТСАУ-2021). Таганрог, 09–11 декабря 2021 года.
  • Intelligent system for monitoring and controlling the technical condition of mechatronic process facilities. AK Tugengol’d, EA Lukyanov, RN Voloshin, VF Bonilla – Advanced Engineering Research, 2020.
  • Agurto, V. Bonilla, M. Moya, G. Mosquera Canchingre, R. Paredes and A. Litvin, “Mitsubishi RV-2AJ Robot Controled by Electromyographic Signals,” 2019 International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Science (INCISCOS), Quito, Ecuador, 2019, pp. 77-82, doi: 10.1109/INCISCOS49368.2019.00021.
  • VLADIMIR, Bonilla Venegas Félix et al. (Modeling and simulation of the Mitsubishi RV-2JA Robot controlled by electromyographic signals). Enfoque UTE [online]. 2018, vol.9, n.2, pp.208-222. ISSN 1390-6542.  https://doi.org/10.29019/enfoqueute.v9n2.326.
  • Rivera, V. Bonilla and M. Moya, “Exoskeleton Prototype to Mitigate Pronosupination Tremors in People with Parkinson’s Disease,” 2018 International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Science (INCISCOS), Quito, Ecuador, 2018, pp. 16-22, doi: 10.1109/INCISCOS.2018.00010.
  • Синтез электромиографического устройства управления в биотехнической системе” инвалид-протез-окружающая среда”. ВФ Бонилья, АВ Литвин, ЕА Лукьяно – Известия Юго-Западного государственного, 2018
