Sebastian Gallegos Aguilar



Short Bio
Sebastian Gallegos was born in the city of Quito, Ecuador. He obtained a BSc. in Geology from Yachay Tech University (Ecuador). He conducted laboratory research using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for analysis of optical and electronic microscopy of the desert varnish and diatoms, as part of the “Andean rise and deserts in Northwestern South America” project. He also performed an Electrical resistivity analysis performed to detect the depth of water tables. Consultancy carried out for the project “Study of Hydrogeological Exploration of Wells for EMAPA-I”. Winner of the outstanding student presentation award (OSPA) | AGU Fall Meeting 2020, with the theme: “Geophysical Prospection of Yachay Archaeological Sites (Imbabura, Ecuador) to Improve Recovery of Ecuadorian Cultural Heritage”. Awarded the honor “Asamblea Nacional de la República del Ecuador, Dr. Pedro Vicente Maldonado” | Scientific Research Merit. In 2021, living in the city of Urcuquí, he started working as a Teaching and Research Technician in the School of Earth Sciences, Energy and Environment at Yachay Tech University.
Research interest

Near-Surface Geophysics, Remote Sensing Methods, Light Detection and Ranging – LiDAR, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar – InSAR. Characterization of materials by scanning electron microscopy.


Selected Publications

  • Gallegos, S. (2020) Geophysical Survey of the Archaeological Sites of the City of Knowledge Yachay, Imbabura, Ecuador. Talk. First Congress of geosites within UNESCO’s World Geopark Imbabura. “Te Vivo Imbabura 2020”, Imbabura, Ecuador, May 13 – June 10, 2020.
  • Gallegos, S., Piispa, E.J. and Camino, B. (2019) Geophysical study of archaeological sites in the City of Knowledge Yachay, Ecuador. Poster and Video Talk. AGU Pathfinder Virtual Poster Showcase, Florida, USA, December 2019. In the Fall showcase abstracts available on the AGU VPS database.
  • Gallegos, S., Camino, B. and Piispa, E.J. (2019) Geophysical prospection of archaeological sites for the recovery of cultural heritage around Yachay Tech University, Imbabura, Ecuador. Talk. Winner of the Best Student Oral Presentation award at VII Congreso REDU, Yachay Tech, Ecuador, 11-15th of November, 2019.
  • Gallegos, S., Chalampuente, A., Perea, J., Catota, R., Camino, B., Sánchez, F., Aguirre, L.F. and Piispa, E.J. (2019) Geophysical surveying of Urcuquí archaeological sites, Ecuador. Talk. III Encuentro Internacional de Ciencias Aplicadas a la Ingeniería Civil, Universidad Mariana, Pasto, Colombia, 22nd of May, 2019.
  • Gallegos, S., Chalampuente, A., Perea, J., Catota, R. and Camino, B., Sánchez, F., Aguirre, L.F. and Piispa, E.J. (2018) Archaeological prospection and recovery of cultural heritage around Yachay city of knowledge. Talk. Conference at Research Highlights in Earth Sciences and Civil Engineering international from Yachay Tech & UNIMAR, Yachay Tech University, Ecuador. December 3, 2018.
  • Gallegos, S., Chalampuente, A., Perea, J., Catota, R. and Camino, B. (2018) Archaeological prospection and recovery of cultural heritage around Yachay city of knowledge. (poster and the recipient of the Second Prize in the poster competition). VI International REDU Congress, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ecuador. 14-16th of November 2018. In Memorias VI Congreso REDU, Editorial UTN, Ibarra, Ecuador, p. 325. ISBN 029384-029384-29392.


Member of Research Groups
Grupo de Investigación Geología y Geofísica Aplicada (GYGAEARTH)
