Mauricio Gaibor
Coordinador de la Carrera de Agroindustria Alimentaria
- ext. 2551
Master in Food Processing (2016). Master in Food Science and Technology – Cuba. Master in Planning and Management of Sustainable Tourism in Spain, also studying Collaborative Curricular Doctorate in Food Sciences at the Institute of Pharmacy and Food of the University of Havana. Research professor at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja for one year, for 3 years occasional professor at the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo and for about 6 years at the State University of Bolívar, 2 years research professor at the Universidad Técnica del Norte, currently professor holder at Yachay Tech University. He has about 13 scientific articles related to food science and technology. Participation as evaluator of scientific journals and committee of national and international seminars. Director of several research projects, linkage and also tutor of undergraduate and postgraduate theses. Coordinator of the linkage commission with the Yachay Tech community for strategic sectors.