Manuel Caetano, Ph.D.

Vicerrector de Investigación


Manuel Caetano received his PhD degree in sciences, from Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) in Caracas, Venezuela. His dissertation was entitled: “Basic and applied studies of microwave induced plasmas”. He was one of the early founders of the Laser Spectroscopy Laboratory and the Physical Chemistry Center of the Faculty of Science at the UCV.  His teaching specialties are Physical Chemistry and Chemometrics. He is conducting research activities on applications of Laser Spectroscopy,  with special focus on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy.

Summary of Interests

Modeling of laser-induced plasmas. Calibration Free
Use of chemometric approaches for processing LIBS data
Nanoparticle enhanced laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (NELIBS) .

Current Research projects

Excitation Spectra of Nanoparticle enhanced laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
Determination of relationships between growth-bands and paleoenvironmental proxies Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca in Venezuelan Corals by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy

Selected Publications

Determination of Ni and V in Crude Oil Samples Encapsulated in Xerogels by Laser Induced Spectroscopy Breakdown Spectroscopy. Martinez, Mauro; Lobinski, Ryszard; Bouyssiere, Brice; Piscitelli, Vincent; Chirinos, Jose; Caetano, Manuel. Energy & Fuels, 29 (09), 5573–5577 (2015).
Study of Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles with anti-gp63 IgG antibody for the detection of glycoprotein gp63 in membrane surface of Leishmania genus parasites. Rodríguez P., Rojas H., Medina M., Arrivillaga Y., Francisco Y., Dager F., Piscitelli V., Caetano M., Fernández A. and  Castillo J. American Journal of Analytical Chemistry 04 (07), 100-108 (2013).
