Luciana Samamé, Ph.D.
- Ext. 2630
Luciana Samamé holds a PhD in Philosophy from the National University of Cordoba (Argentina), where she also got her Bachelor´s degree in Philosophy. -Between 2014 and 2016- she was a postdoctoral fellow at CONICET and carried out her research project at the Center of Social and Legal Research (UNC, Argentina). She was a visiting Professor at the University of Granada (2015) and a research fellow at the University of Murcia (2015-2016) and the University of Alicante (2018). Since 2017, she has been lecturer of Ethics and Social Responsability and of History and Philosophy of Science at Yachay Tech University.
Summary of Interests
Luciana Samamé´s core philosophical interests lie in the area of practical philosophy, more specifically, in the areas of normative and applied ethics. She has published a number of papers and book chapters regarding such topics. Additionally, she specializes in Schopenhauer´s moral philosophy and is currently focusing on some contemporary discussions concerning virtue ethics and virtue jurisprudence.
Current Research projects
- The role of Humanities in scientific education.
- Professional ethics and moral dilemmas.
- The role of emotions and judicial virtues in legal reasoning.
Selected Publications
- L. Samamé. Carácter adquirido, Autodominio y Moralidad: hacia una mirada comprehensiva de la filosofía práctica schopenhaueriana. Areté. Revista de Filosofía, Vol. XXIX (1): 125-145 (2017).
- L. Samamé; G. Lariguet. “El papel justificatorio de la compasión en el razonamiento judicial”, en Emociones y Virtudes en la argumentación jurídica, Ediciones Tirant Lo Blanch, Ciudad de México, 2017, pp. 81-103.
- L. Samamé. “Virtue and Happiness in Schopenhauer´s Ethics”. Schopenhaueriana. Revista de estudios sobre Schopenhauer, 1: 169- 181 (2016).
- L. Samamé. Justicia y Empatía: Dificultades y Propuestas. Estudios de Filosofía Práctica e Historia de las Ideas, Vol. 18: 1-12 (2016).