Juan José Rosales, Ph.D.



Juan José Rosales Sánchez. Venezuelan. PhD in Philosophy from the Central University of Venezuela (UCV). Master in Philosophy, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB). Degree in Philosophy (UCV). Professor and Researcher at Yachay Tech since March 2014. He has been a professor at the Central University of Venezuela and Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. He was accredited, for several periods, as a researcher (class B) by the Research and Innovation Stimulus Program of the National Observatory of Science Technology and Innovation (PEII-ONCTI) in Venezuela. First place, Researcher Award for Academic Staff of the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (2014). First place in the Long Essay category of the Philosophical Investigation Prize Federico Riu, Embassy of Spain in Venezuela-Fundación Federico Riu, (2015). Author of the books The republic of Simón Rodríguez, Editorial Foundation the dog and the frog, Ministry of Culture, Caracas 2007. New edition in 2014 by the Editorial Fund of the Caribbean; Ethics and reason in Simón Rodríguez, Simón Rodríguez National Experimental University, Caracas, 2008; Philosophy and social transformation. Reflections on society and civilization in Simón Rodríguez, UCV, Caracas, in press; Of chapters of books in national and international collective works, and of articles in specialized academic journals of recognized prestige. Frequent lecturer at international academic events.

Summary of Interests

Epistemology: (1) Contents of the experience and conceptualist and non-conceptualist theses. (2) Epistemology in Andrés Bello’s Philosophy of Understanding.
Political and Social Philosophy: Studies on political and social problems in Simón Rodríguez.
