Juan Carlos De los Reyes, Ph.D.

External Member of the Board of Trustees


Juan Carlos De los Reyes is the Director of the Research Center on Mathematical Modelling MODEMAT. He has a Mathematical Engineerig degree from Escuela Politécnica Nacional and a Ph.D. in Mathematics form the University of Graz, Austria. Dr. De los Reyes had several postdoctoral positions and research stays in Germany and Austria. He holds a Full Professor position at Escuela Politécnica Nacional since 2011.

Dr. De los Reyes has been awarded Fellowships from The World Academy of Science and the Ecuadorian Academy of Science and a Visiting Professor position at the University of Hamburg, Germany. He was also been awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and a J. Tinsley Oden Faculty Fellowship by the University of Texas in Austin.

Research interests

  • Optimization with variational inequality constraints
  • PDE-constrained optimization
  • Optimization-based learning methods in imaging
  • Bilevel optimization in function spaces
  • Simulation and control of non-Newtonian fluid flow
  • Semismooth Newton methods in function spaces

Selected publications (2018)

  • P. Castro and J. C. De los Reyes
    A bilevel learning approach for optimal observation placement in variational data assimilation.
    MODEMAT Technical Report[arXiv:1811.11505]
  • J. C. De los Reyes and E. Loayza
    Total generalized variation regularization in data assimilation for Burgers’ equation.
    MODEMAT Technical Report[arXiv:1804.04447]
  • C. Christof, J. C. De los Reyes and C. Meyer
    A non-smooth trust-region method for locally Lipschitz functions with application to optimization problems constrained by variational inequalities.
    MODEMAT Technical Report[arXiv:1711.03208]
  • J. C. De los Reyes
    On the optimal control of some nonsmooth distributed parameter systems arising in mechanics
    GAMM-Mitteilungen, Vol. 40(4), 268-286. [link][arXiv:1711.08418]
