Joselin E. Guananga Gavilanez
- Ext. 2612
Joselin E. Guananga Gavilanez, was born in the city of Riobamba, Ecuador. He obtained the degree in Physics at the Escuela Superior Politecnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH), Ecuador 2022. Her thesis was based on the Analysis of the incidence of a radioactive source in a bipolar scalpel for resection of carcinomas in ex vivo tissue, published as a scientific article as first author, in the Alfa Publicaciones magazine. In the same year, 2022, he began the postgraduate program in Applied Physics with a mention in Nanotechnology at the Yachay Experimental Technology Research University (Yachat Tech) and decided to move to the city of Ibarra, Ecuador. Where he began his work as Teaching Technician 1 in the unit of the School of Physical Sciences and Nanotechnology of the same university.
Research Interests
- Radiation physics.
- Development of high energy radiation detectors.
- Development of nanostructured materials.
Selected Publications
Analysis of the incidence of a radioactive source in a bipolar scalpel for resection of carcinomas in ex vivo tissue. DOI: