Jorge Toro, Ph.D.
- 06 2 999 500 Ext. 2613
Ph.D. (Docteur in Terre Solide, Docteur d’Université in Earth Sciences), Université Joseph Fourier (UJF), 2006, Grenoble – France. D.E.A. Master 2 (Dynamique de la Lithosphère), Université Joseph Fourier, 1997, Grenoble – France. Geological engineering, Escuela Politécnica Nacional (EPN), 1994, Quito – Ecuador. Geotechnical engineering, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, 1987, Quito – Ecuador. Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en Geotermia, Colegio de Ingenieros del Perú, 2021. Languages Spanish, French, English. Training: Tens of technical training courses in America, Europe and Asia. National representant for Ecuador for the International Association of Sedimentologists (2022 – 2024). Member of six international and technical organizations. Member of the Scientific Commitees of the XI Latinoamerican Congres of Paleonology (Quito, Jul. 2022) and the XI National Congress of Geology, Mines, Petroleoum, Environment and al. (Guayaquil, Jun. 2023). Books: one book published; & the 2do book in-progress. Author of two Workflows: (1) For characterizing pore and pore throats of reservors; and (2) for characterizing gases while drilling oil wells.
Research interest
Basin Analysis (Sedimentology, stratigraphy, organic geochemistry, petrophysics, tectonics, geomechanics, geotechnics, geophysics, petrology and provenance, field geology, core descriptions, outcrop descriptions, ichnology, reservoir characterization and production, electric logs, microseismic, micro-paleontology, geodynamics, …]
Selected publications
Stratigraphy of the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene deposits of the Western Cordillera of Central Ecuador: Geodynamic implications. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Vol. 17, Number 17, Issue 1, September 2004, pp. 49-58. JAILLARD E., BENGTSON P., ORDOÑEZ M., VACA W., DHONDT A., SUÁREZ J., TORO ALAVA J., (2008)
Orogenic buildup of the Ecuadorian Andes. 6th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics, 6ISAG, IRD Eds., Barcelona (Spain), September 11-14 2005, Extended Abstracts, pp. 406-407, Barcelona. Toro Álava J., Lascano M., Medina G., & Pérez M., (2008)
Caracterización del Reservorio Arenisca T Inferior del Campo Pucuna, cuenca Oriente, Ecuador. X Congreso Ecuatoriano y I Congreso Binacional Ecuador – Perú de Geología, Minas, Petróleos y Ambiental, 23 a 25 de Abril del 2008, Loja, 11 p., Loja – Ecuador. JAILLARD E., LAPIERRE H., ORDÓNEZ M.; TORO ÁLAVA J.; AMÓRTEGUI A., & VANMELLE J., (2009
Accreted oceanic terranes in Ecuador: southern edge of the Caribbean Plate? Geological Society Special Publication 328: 469-485. Toro Álava J., Medina G., Bravo J., Endara I., & Flores B., (2011)
Quantification of the pore size distribution in consolidated clastic sediments employing thin sections: Methodological proposal and industrial application (Cuantificación de la distribución del tamaño de poro en sedimentos clásticos consolidados empleando secciones delgadas: Propuesta metodológica y aplicación industrial). I Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Petrolera, Gas, Minas y Afines & I Feria Latinoamericana Energética y Minera, Colegio de Ingenieros Geólogos, de Minas, Petróleos y Ambiental (Eds.), 12-14 de Octubre del 2011, Quito. Toro Álava J., Luzuriaga K., Corozo O., & Coral L., (2015)