Jorge Gómez, Ph.D.
- Ext.: 2613
Jorge Gomez-Paredes has a Ph.D. on Energy Science from the department of Socio-Environmental Sciences of Kyoto University, Japan. He joined Yachay Tech in 2015, as a lecturer on Sustainable Development, Globalization and Entrepreneurship, Geological Resources, and Ethics and Social Responsibility. Prior to joining Yachay Tech, he worked for several years in the private sector as an Environmental Engineer.
Jorge’s research falls in the fields of Ecological Economics, Industrial Ecology, and Socio-Environmental Ethics, being particularly related with Sustainable Consumption and Production, global trade, Life Cycle Assessments, and supply-chain analyses with Multi-Regional Input-Output models.
His current interests lie in developing and applying macro-economic models to analyze socio-ecological systems, to assess how changes in consumption and production patterns modify economies’ socio-ecological metabolisms, and to develop metrics better suited to new socio-economic paradigms.
Current Research projects
- Development and application of socio-environmental indicators for the assessment of sustainable production and consumption in an era of expanding global markets
- Development of socio-environmental metrics to assess progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals
Selected Publications
- Lenzen, M., Li, M., Malik, A., Pomponi, F., Sun, Y. Y., Wiedmann, T., … & Gómez-Paredes, J. (2020). Global socio-economic losses and environmental gains from the Coronavirus pandemic. PloS one, 15(7), e0235654.
- Gómez‐Paredes, Jorge, et al. “Consuming childhoods: An assessment of child labor’s role in Indian production and global consumption.” Journal of Industrial Ecology (2016).
- Gómez-Paredes, Jorge, et al. “The labour footprint: A framework to assess labour in a complex economy.” Economic Systems Research 27.4 (2015): 415-439.
- Gómez-Paredes, Jorge, et al. “Energy efficiency to reduce poverty and emissions: a silver bullet or wishful thinking? Analysis of efficient lighting CDM projects in India.” Procedia Environmental Sciences 17 (2013): 547-556.