Jefferson Moreno, Ph.D.
- Ext. 2630
Jefferson Moreno is PhD (c). in Education and Innovation. MSc. in Social Development from Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia. He studies a Master degree in Philosophy and Values at the Technological University TECH. He has a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Pedagogy at the Polytechnic Salesian University of Ecuador. Diploma in Research methods and writing of scientific articles. Diploma in Teaching and University Didactics. External researcher of the Research Group in Philosophy of Education (GIFE / UPS). Member of the Committee of International Reviewers of the Revista Sophia: Colección de Filosofía de la Educación. Accredited researcher by the Senescyt REG-INV-21-05209.
Research Interests
Philosophy of education, research and educational policies and social development
Selected Publications
- Moreno Guaicha, J., Heredia Guzmán, P., & Aguilar-Gordón, F. (2022). Progress Ideal and its Implication in a Cosmopolitan Education from the Kantian Thought. RHV an International Journal of Philosophy, (20), 311–334.
- Moreno Guaicha, J., & Aguilar Gordón, F. (2019). Ontological foundations of finnish educational system as reference for overcoming problems in emerging contexts. Sophia, Colección de Filosofía de la Educación, 27(2), pp. 233-260.
- Moreno-Guaicha, J. A., Mena-Zamora, A. (2020). Contribuciones del pensamiento ilustrado y la teoría crítica a la filosofía de la innovación educativa. En Aguilar-Gordón et al., Filosofía de la innovación y de la tecnología educativa (Tomo I). Filosofía de la Innovación. Quito: Abya-Yala.