Isidro Amaro, Ph.D.
- Ext.: 2630
I received the Ph.D. in Applied Multivariate Statistics at Departamento de Estadística de la Universidad de Salamanca en España. Since 2016 I have been a Professor-Researcher at the School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at YACHAY-TECH. I am interested in the theoretical development and applications of Multivariate Statistical Methods, Big Data, Machine Learning, and Data Mining. In this sense, I have recently published research results in different fields and in which modern data analytics methods such as Functional Data Analysis have been used.
Retired Professor. Faculty of Engineering of Universidad Central de Venezuela.
Professor Coordinator of the subjects Multivariate Methods and Multivariate Analysis in the Postgraduate Program in Statistics of the Faculty of Agronomy of Universidad Central de Venezuela.
Professor of the Department of Scientific Computing and Statistics of Universidad Simon Bolívar. Caracas. Venezuela.
Professor of the subject Biostatistics in the Postgraduate Program in Public Health of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia. Venezuela.
Professor of the Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics of Universidad Simón Bolívar. Caracas. Venezuela.
Professor of the subjects Probability and Statistics of the Master’s Degree in Education concentration in Teaching of Mathematics of Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador in Maracay.
Professor of the subjects Statistics for Quality and Introduction to Quality Control of the Postgraduate Program in Physics of the Faculty of Engineering of Universidad Central de Venezuela.
Professor of the subject Seminar II in the PhD in Education of Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador in Maracay.
Professor of the subject Biostatistics in the Bachelor of Science in Biology at the Faculty of Biology in Universidad de Salamanca, Spain.
He is interested in the theoretical development and applications of Multivariate Statistical Methods, Big Data, Machine Learning and Data Mining. In this sense, he has recently published research results in different fields and in which modern data analytics methods such as Functional Data Analysis have been used.
–Amaro, R.; Vicente-Villardón, J.L.; Galindo-Villardón, M. P. 2004. Manova-biplot for two way multivariate general linear models. INTERCIENCIA, Jan. 2004, Vol. 29 Nº 1.
–Amaro, R. Demey, J.R. Macchiavelli, R. 2004. Application of rescaled range analysis to study the fractal properties of precipitation in Venezuela. INTERCIENCIA, Nov. 2004, Vol. 29. Nº 11.
-Viloria, Hermes; Paredes, Maritza; Amaro, Rafael; Moreno, Saul. 2008. The statistics virtual. Classroom as a tool for the agrarian data analysis. Derecho y Reforma Agraria, Nº34, pag. 1-22.
-Amaro, R.; Vicente-Villardón, J.L.; Galindo-Villardón, M.P. 2008. Contributions to manova-biplot: alternative confidence regions. Investigación Operacional, CUBA. Vol. 29. # 3.Pag. 231-241.