Gabriela Villavicencio

English Language Professor


Gabriela Villavicencio Gordon is an Ecuadorian English teacher from Cuenca, who currently serves at Yachay Tech. She received her master’s degree in Kansas State University (2015), in Curriculum and Instruction with emphasis on ESL. Her teaching experience encompasses elementary, middle, high school, and college levels of education. Additionally, she is an active member of the Red Académica Nacional de Idiomas – RANI (for its initials in Spanish). She has also been invited to present in two academic events as a lecturer. Her research interest includes responsive teaching, differentiated instruction and diversity and culture within the classroom.


Research Interests

Diversity, Culture, ELS acquisition


Selected Publications

Approaches to EFL Teaching: Curriculum, Culture, Instruction, Assessment, & Technology 9, (2016)
Education through a new window, (2016)
