Franklin Camacho, Ph.D.
- Ext. 2626
Franklin Camacho is a Mathematician with a PhD in Mathematics from Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela. He has been working for more than fourteen years as teacher/researcher in several Institutions in Venezuela and in the Ecuador in the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador at Ibarra (PUCESI) and the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. He has held tenure track positions in several Universities in Venezuela. In his teaching portfolio, there is a significant number of different courses taught, including all basic math courses and electives or advanced courses like Topics in Linear Algebra, Decision Theory and Probability. In research, he has published articles in the Statistics area considering uncertainty events. His interest in terms of research is focuses in Decision Theory under Uncertainty for real life applications.
Summary of Interests
Decision Theory under Uncertainty, Social Choice Theory and Spectral Graph Theory.
Current Research Project
Resource allocation under uncertainty: In search of optimal allocation using a qualitative decision
Select Publications
Franklin Camacho and Ramón Pino Pérez. Racionalidad de las decisiones cualitativas. Consejo de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, September 2016. ISBN 978-980-11- 1843-5.
Ramón Pino Pérez and José Varela and Franklin Camacho. Resource allocation under uncertainty: First steps towards a qualitative approach. Congreso Internacional de Sistemas Inteligentes y Nuevas Tecnologías, COISINT 2016, Ibarra, Ecuador, April 20-22, 2016. In Avances y Aplicaciones de Sistemas Inteligentes y Nuevas Tecnologías, páginas 399-411. Consejo de Publicaciones, Universidad de Los Andes, April, 2016.
Franklin Camacho and Ramón Pino Pérez. Dominance plausible rule and transitivity. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 21(3-4):355–373, 2011.