Evelyn Cueva, Ph.D.

Assistant professor


Short Bio

Evelyn Cueva received her Ph.D. degree in Engineering Sciences with a mention in mathematical modeling at the University of Chile and the Center of Mathematical Modelling (CMM-Chile) in 2019. She joined Yachay Tech in March 2020.

Summary of Interests

She works in Inverse Problems, mainly in image reconstruction problems related to biosciences. She has studied mathematical applications in single-photon emission tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET), fluorescence microscopy, and multi-spectral computed tomography. She focuses her research on solving inverse problems using optimization techniques and variational methods.

Current Research projects

She is currently working in the project: High-resolution reconstruction in multi-spectral CT, in collaboration with Matthias Ehrhardt (University of Bath), Samuli Siltanen, and Alexander Meaney (University of Helsinki). A second project: Light-sheet fluorescence microscopy is in collaboration with Axel Osses and Pablo Arratia (University of Chile), Matias Courdurier (Catholic University of Chile), and Benjamin Palacios (University of Chicago).

Selected Publications

  • Cueva E., Courdurier M., Osses A., Castañeda V., Palacios B., Härtel S. (2020) Mathematical modeling for 2D light-sheet fluorescence microscopy image reconstruction. Inverse Problems, Volume 36, 7. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6420/ab80d8
  • Cueva E., Osses A., Quintana J.C., Tejos C., Courdurier M., Irarrazaval P. (2018) Algebraic Reconstruction of Source and Attenuation in SPECT Using First Scattering Measurements. In: Hofmann B., Leitão A., Zubelli J. (eds) New Trends in Parameter Identification for Mathematical Models. Trends in Mathematics. Birkhäuser, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70824-9_3
