Ernesto Ponsot Balaguer, Ph.D.



Ernesto Ponsot is a Systems Engineer graduated cum laude in 1991 from the Faculty of Engineering – University of Los Andes (ULA), Master of Science in Applied Statistics at the Institute of Applied Statistics and Computing – ULA (1998) and PhD in Statistics at the same institute (2011), with the thesis entitled “Study of the factor levels aggregation in the binomial logit model” adopted with honorable mention by the jury. Associate Professor for 25 years at ULA, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Department of Statistics. Yachay Tech faculty staff since September 1°, 2016.

Summary of Interests

Linear and Generalized Linear Models, R Statistical Computing, Relational Database Systems and Operations Research (Inventory Systems, Queueing Theory, Linear Programing and Simulation). Adaptation of the statistical methodology, both from the theoretical point of view, as computational, to Big Data situations.

Current Research projects

  • The role of data in business decisions: A survey in the canton of Ibarra, Ecuador.
  • Automated system for the design, implementation and processing of sample surveys (Survey Generator System – SGS, V. 1.0).
  • LogitFLA: Factor Levels Aggregation for Logit Models. R Package.
  • Generalization of the factor levels aggregation problem to multinomial case.

Selected Publications

  • Ponsot Balaguer, Ernesto (2017) “The relationship between the National Consumer Price Index and the tax collection in the Libertador municipality of the state of Merida”. Actualidad Contable FACES, year 20, No. 35, July – December, pp. 83-102.
  • Rivera, Ch., Varela, J., Ponsot, E., Márquez, V., Rivas, D. (2015) “Effects of perceived economic welfare on consumption in Venezuelan households: a covariance structure model”. Actualidad Contable FACES, year 18, No. 30 (January – June), pp. 96-122.
  • Varela, J. L., Ponsot, E., Rivera, Ch., Rivas, D. and Márquez, V. E. (2014) “The measurement of some indicators of the perception of economic well-being in Venezuela”. Visión Gerencial, year 13, No. 1 (January-June), pp. 137-156.
  • Ponsot, E., Sinha, S., Goitía, A. (2012). “Aggregation of explanatory factor levels in a binomial logit model: Generalization to the multifactorial unsaturated case”. Colombian Journal of Statistics. Volume 35, No. 1 (June), pp. 139-166.
  • Graterol, A., Ponsot, E., Molina, J., Rondón, L. (2011). “Trends and social impacts of the expansion project of the ‘El Palito’ refinery, Carabobo, Venezuela.” Visión Gerencial, year 10, No. 2 (July-December), pp. 309-324.
