Ernesto Contreras, Ph.D.
- Ext. 2612
Ernesto Contreras was born in La Victoria, Venezuela. He obtained his undergraduate Physics degree and his PhD at the Universidad Central de Venezuela. During 2006-2016 occupied variuos positions at the Universidad de Venezuela reaching the one of Aggregate Professor in 2014. In 2016 he moved to Los Andes University as a podoctoral researcher in the group of Theoretical Physics.
Summary of interests
- General Relativity
- Scale—dependent gravity and models beyond General Relativity
- Classcal and Quantum Field theory
- Knot theory and Topological Theories
Current research projects
Minimal Geometric Deformation in the context of General Relativity. Black Hole thermodynamics. Accretion process onto scale—dependent backgrounds. Topological field theories and knot invariants.
Selected publications
- Ernesto Contreras, “ Minimal Geometric Deformation: the inverse problem” Eur. Phys. J. C 78, 678(2018).
- Ernesto Contreras, Angel Rincón, Benjamin Koch and Pedro Bargueño, “A regular scale—dependent black hole solution”, Int. J. Mod. D 27,1850032 (2018)
- Angel Rincón, Ernesto Contreras, Pedro Bargueño, Benjamin Koch, Grigoris Panatopoulus, “Scale-dependent three-dimensional charged black holes in linear and non-linear electrodynamics”, Eur. J. C 77, 494 (2017)