Eduardo Hidalgo, Ph.D.



Eduardo Hidalgo was born in Madrid (Spain) and obtained his degree in Chemistry at the Complutense University of Madrid in 2008.  He was awarded with a 4 year grant from the Innovation and Science Ministry to do his PhD at the Physical Chemistry Department (Prof. V.G. Baonza group) of the Chemistry Faculty of the Complutense University of Madrid. During his PhD Eduardo worked also at the Institute of Food Science,Technology and Nutrition (Prof. P.D. Sanz group), of the Spanish Research Council (Madrid) and for several months at the Faculty of Pharmacy (Prof. T. Chalikian group) of the University of Toronto (Canada). Eduardo during his PhD worked studying aggregation phenomena up to 700 MPa with speed of sound measurements in water, sodium dodecanoate and sodium caseinate. He obtained speed of sound measurements and very useful information about this measurements such as thermophysical properties in a very wide range of pressure and temperatures. His results have been published by the American Chemistry Society. He has worked as lecturer in other universities and in September 2016 joined Yachay Tech.

Summary of Interests

Thermophysical properties under high pressure measured by speed of sound. Food Science and Technology. Aggregation phenomena in proteins.

Current Research projects

Low density  water to high density water transition.
Structural transformation in milk proteins during high pressure processing.

Selected Publications

“Speed of sound in liquid water from 253.15 to 348.15) K and pressures up to 700 MPa” E. Hidalgo, M. Taravillo, V.G. Baonza, P.D. Sanz, B. Guignon. J. Chem. Eng. Data. (2011), 56, 4800-4807.

“Role of water structure on the high pressure micellization and phase transformations of sodium dodecanotate aqueous solutions” E. Hidalgo, M. Taravillo, V.G. Baonza, P.D. Sanz, B. Guignon, Langmuir (2014), 30, 7343-7352.

“Interactions of Urea with Native and Unfolded Proteins: A Volumetric Study” I. Son, Y. Shek, A. Tikhomirova, E. Hidalgo, T. Chalikian. J. Phys. Chem. B. (2014), 118, 13553-13563.
