Cristian Vacacela, Ph.D.



Cristian Vacacela Gomez obtained his PhD in Physics & Quantum Technologies in the field of Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Mechanical simulations from the University of Calabria, Italy, in 2017. For his PhD studies, he was the winner of one SENESCYT scholarship in 2012. In 2017, Cristian became a Research Professor at Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo for two years, teaching Computational Physics and Quantum Mechanics. Finally, in 2019 Cristian joined the School of Physical Sciences and Nanotechnology at Yachay Tech University as Research Professor.

Summary of interests.

  1. Graphene synthesis, characterization & applications
  2. Plasmonics in graphene and beyond-graphene materials
  3. Density Functional Theory & Time Dependent Density Functional Theory of low-dimensional systems
  4. Fundamental quantum tunneling
  5. Theory and practice of Radon monitoring

Selected Publications

  1. Tubon Usca, G.; Vacacela Gomez, C.; Guevara, M.; Tene, T.; Hernandez, J.; Molina, R.; Tavolaro, A.; Miriello, D.; Caputi, L.S. Zeolite-Assisted Shear Exfoliation of Graphite into Few-Layer Graphene. Crystals 2019, 9, 377. (
  2. Sindona, A., Pisarra, M., Vacacela Gomez, C., Riccardi, P., Falcone, G., & Bellucci, S. (2017). Calibration of the fine-structure constant of graphene by time-dependent density-functional theory. Physical Review B, 96(20), 201408. (
  3. Vacacela Gomez, C., Pisarra, M., Gravina, M., Riccardi, P., & Sindona, A. (2017). Plasmon properties and hybridization effects in silicene. Physical Review B, 95(8), 085419. (
  4. Vacacela Gomez, C., Pisarra, M., Gravina, M., Pitarke, J. M., & Sindona, A. (2016). Plasmon modes of graphene nanoribbons with periodic planar arrangements. Physical review letters, 117(11), 116801. (
  5. M Cayambe, C Zambrano, T Tene, M Guevara, GT Usca, H Brito, … (2020) Dispersion of graphene in ethanol by sonication. Materials Today: Proceedings 
  6. F Arias Arias, M Guevara, T Tene, P Angamarca, R Molina, A Valarezo, … (2020) The Adsorption of Methylene Blue on Eco-Friendly Reduced Graphene Oxide. Nanomaterials 10 (4), 681
  7. F Veltri, F Alessandro, A Scarcello, A Beneduci, M Arias Polanco, … (2020) Porous Carbon Materials Obtained by the Hydrothermal Carbonization of Orange Juice. Nanomaterials 10 (4), 655 
  8. T Tene, G Tubon Usca, M Guevara, R Molina, F Veltri, M Arias, LS Caputi, … (2020) Toward Large-Scale Production of Oxidized Graphene. Nanomaterials 10 (2), 279
  9. A Sindona, M Pisarra, S Bellucci, T Tene, M Guevara, CV Gomez, (2019) Plasmon oscillations in two-dimensional arrays of ultranarrow graphene nanoribbons. Physical Review B 100 (23), 235422 
  10. Z Carrasco, N Moreta, R Pachacama, CV Gomez (2019) Quantum tunneling through two sequential barriers: A simple derivation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1391 (1), 012009 
  11. C Vacacela Gomez, T Tene, M Guevara, G Tubon Usca, D Colcha, H Brito, …(2019) Preparation of few-layer graphene dispersions from hydrothermally expanded graphite. Applied Sciences 9 (12), 2539