Juan Lobos, Ph.D.
- (593) 62 999 130 / Ext.: 2612
- jlobos@yachaytech.edu.ec
Juan Lobos was born in Valladolid, Spain 1977 and studied at his hometown university, UVa, where he obtained his Physics and Master’s Degree and contributed during several years to the Astronomy University Group as Secretary and President. His Doctorate in Material Science was a joined effort between polymer and metal cellular materials in both UVa and Osaka University, respectively under prof. M.A. Rodriguez and professors H. Nakajima, H. Utsunomiya.
Summary of Interests
Cellular Materials: The basic use of celular materials is the special properties to make functional materials. Without forgetting the special properties he works to make Structural Cellular Materials to use as light weight materials.
Foam Stability: In the fabrication of celular materials one of the biggest problem is the regularity and stability of the cellular structure in the fabrication. He was working increasing the stability of the celular structure in this phase.
Working for companies: With experience helping production problems for different companies on Spain, USA, and Japan. He knows the problematic involved in the production lines and the properties of the final product.
Current Research projects
New kind of porous metal with high mechanical properties to design nuclear waste containers for highly radioactive waste.
Properties and applications of structural and funcional to the environment of Ecuador.
Selected Publications
“Improving the stability of polylactic acid foams by interfacially adsorbed particles”, Juan Lobos, Steven Iasella, Miguel A. Rodriguez-Perez and Sachin S. Velankar; Polymer Engineering & Science (2015), vol 56, 1: pp. 9-17.
“How much do nanoparticle fillers improve the modulus and strength of polymer foams?”, Juan Lobos Sachin Velankar; (2016), vol. 52, 1: pp. 57-88
“Strengthening of lotus-type porous copper by ECAE process”, J. Lobos ,S. Suzuki, H. Utsunomiya, H. Nakajima, M.A. Rodrigez-Perez.; Journal of Materials Processing Technology, (2012), vol 212, 10: pp.2007-2011.