Yachay Tech University achieved a budget implementation of 96% in 2018, the highest since it opened its doors in 2014. Between 2014 and 2017 the budget implementation average was 67%.
This percentage of budget implementation is an indicator of the high efficiency in the management work led by Rector Eduardo V. Ludeña and implemented by the Administrative-Financial Coordination and the Strategic Planning Coordination, along with the support of the administrative and academic departments of the University.
Yachay Tech had a budget of around $ 19.3 million in 2018, and it used over $ 18.5 million of it. Although the University did not have its own investment budget, we were able to obtain as co-executor, around $ 2.3 million. Ninety-seven percent of this was used, which is higher than the historical investment average of 32.5%.
The budget is a public management tool that allows meeting the strategic objectives. Thus, a high level of implementation implies that planned activities are being financed to achieve institutional goals.