Ikiam University visited Yachay Tech University to get trained on the import of goods through public procurement. The workshop was given by the administrative staff of Yachay Tech, as they have experience in import procedures for research equipment. This workshop is the second taught by the Administrative Financial Coordination of Yachay Tech; the first was for the Universidad de las Artes staff.
The Legal Coordinator and the Legal Director of Ikiam, the Financial Director of Universidad de las Artes, and Public Procurement Analysts of both Universities are some of the representatives that have visited Yachay Tech. The workshop was given by the following staff members of Yachay Tech: Tania Loaiza, Jeniffer Santacruz, Hugo Gómez, and Juan Pablo Cubero Gomezjurado.
For Juan Pablo Cubero, it is important to note that the import of goods allows for the elimination of third parties in the equipment procurement procedure. This way, each institution will have more resources to destine to other procurements. The Administrative Financial Coordination of Yachay Tech also seeks to continue discussions on the efficiency of public procurement procedures regulated for higher education institutions. In this sense, the team attended a meeting organized by Universidad Técnica de Ambato in October. During this event, University representatives had the opportunity to make proposals to SERCOP Director, Silvana Vallejo.
These types of exchanges are framed within Yachay Tech’s interinstitutional cooperation policies.