Yachay Tech and CIMPA organized a space for graduate students in mathematics
The first school of CIMPA in Ecuador was be held in Imbabura from September 18 to 29. The International Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics (CIMPA in French) was founded by UNESCO in 1978 and is one of the most important institutions of mathematical research and development in the world. The School covered the topic of Non-Differentiable Optimization Methods and was co-organized by the School of Mathematical Sciences and Information Technology of Yachay Tech University.
Since its creation, CIMPA organizes each year Schools of Mathematical Research as its main activity. Each of these activities is offered through a call to receive proposals and later election according to the categories. During the event, international experts gave workshops on the proposed topic, in addition to sharing research experiences. It is addressed to postgraduate students and young researchers who seek to enrich and deepen their knowledge in applied mathematics. The organization and scientific coordination were carried out by Andreas Griewank, Dean of the School of Mathematical Sciences and Information Technology of Yachay Tech, and Marc Lassonde, Université des Antilles, Francia. The event also had a Scientific Committee formed by faculty from Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile; Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador, Instituto de Matemáticas Puras y Aplicadas, Brasil; and the University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
The nonsmooth optimization methods are widely used in economics, information technology, statistics and scientific research, as tools to determine the optimization of objectives and resources. An example is the optimization of deep learning processes in artificial intelligence. During the scientific event, attendees shared experiences and progress in this area. The school will contribute to the consolidation of an Optimization and Control Network in Latin America.
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The Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (CIMPA), founded in France in 1978, is a nonprofit organization working for the development of mathematics research in developing countries. Located in Nice, it is a UNESCO category 2 center, it is part of Laboratoire d’Excellence Centre d’Accueil et de Rencontres Mathématiques Internationales (CARMIN) and it benefits from the financial support of France, Norway, Spain, and Switzerland.