Urcuquí, July 2, 2019
Dear Faculty:
I want to make a public apology to all the faculty that on Friday, June 28, around ten o’clock at night, received from the Human Talent Department a Memorandum via Quipux, in which they were notified of the unilateral termination of their employment contracts with the University.
As it is already of public knowledge, this information was incomplete since it omitted that the notifications were part of an administrative process for the adjustment of salaries that was completed with the signing of the new contracts for occasional services that date July 1, 2019. On Monday, July 1, 2019, the faculty received an email requesting them to go to the Human Talent Department to sign their new contracts. It is worth mentioning that this proposal for the salary adjustment was approved by the Board of Trustees on Thursday, June 27, 2019, through resolution RCG-SE-010 No. 045-2019, to face the difficult economic situation of the University.
Tutors who did not receive the last mail will not renew their contracts; however, the Board of Trustees will review the proposal for the salary adjustment that faculty members have committed to present.
All the decisions made by the Board of Trustees are transparent and are made in the presence of representatives from the students and administrative staff. The decisions taken seek to strengthen the sustainability of the University. This action never had the intention to discriminate our faculty, an essential part of the University’s operation.
Additionally, I want to clarify that MSc. Lorena Zeggane, Secretary of the Board of Trustees, did not order any dismissal, nor had anything to do with these actions, as it is wrongly and maliciously stated in anonymous accounts on social networks.
Although I personally informed all the affected professors on Friday night, June 28, and on the early morning of Saturday, June 29, I still owe you a sincere and public apology. I reiterate my respect for you and my commitment to listening to all the members of the community to make the best decisions for the University’s benefit.
Spiros N. Agathos,