The Todos Sumamos (We All Add Up) Open House event was held at Yachay Tech University and was organized by the School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences.
Franklin Camacho, PhD., Dean of the School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences (ECMC), stated: “This is the first time that an Open House has been organized since the pandemic and it includes common core and school students. The idea of organizing this event arises as an opportunity to present the degree works carried out by the students to demonstrate the research work they conduct and the way in which these projects are linked to society,” Camacho said.
“Casa Abierta, Todos Sumamos” was born as an initiative in which the representatives of the different courses were integrated to present their research projects, so the event included the presentation of posters, innovation and entrepreneurship projects and research stands. Students from initial and advanced semesters participated giving their presentations in Spanish and English.
Throughout the day there was the presence of groups of students and the general public from neighboring cantons such as Ibarra and the town of Urcuqui who were interested in learning more about the main uses of mathematical and computational models, procedures and its applications in science and research.
Harvey Marín, a student at the School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences who participated in the event, announced his project “Machine Learning Applied to Glacier Mass Analysis”, which seeks to develop an algorithm based on machine learning techniques to predict the balance of mass in the glaciers of the Antisana volcano.
Thus, Yachay Tech University strengthens its commitment to society by disseminating the projects and work it carries out in the fields of science and research.