Glenda Morejón, 17 years old, is the Imababura athlete who won the world marching title in Kenia on July 15th, 2017.
On Wednesday, July 19th, 2017, Glenda Morejón, the Imbabura athlete who won the under-18 world marching title in Kenia, arrived to her home town, Ibarra, to be greeted by the community and authorities who decided to celebrate her championship in the Imbabura governance building.
Yachay Tech University could participate in this event through our rector, Carlos Catillo-Chavez, who had the opportunity to offer Glenda a full scholarship at the University, assuring she will receive the necessary support to continue with her passion. Carlos was on the directive table during the celebration, next to Glenda, her parents, coach, Imbabura’s vice-governor and governor.
It was an honor for Carlos and the whole university to have the opportunity of joining Glenda in this important moment for her career and sharing a small demonstration of her confidence, determination and hard work.