Information is the final product of science, therefore a reproduction of information with minimal comprehension error probabilities is fundamental for creating a bridge between disciplines. José María Díaz thought of a project to take good advantage of information and it’s possible error free transmission in Ecuador. The project is called BITrum and is constructed by spanish Universidad de León’s experts.
For Díaz, a network isn’t more than a gathering of connection points and languages. However, in a more practical level, networks represent the actions of agents influencing other agents, by the means of their interaction and using information as the object of influence. But, what is information, exactly? According to the Mathematical Theory of Communication, given by Claude Shannon and later completed by Warren Weaver, information is simply the reduction of uncertainty related to the received and emitted signals. Therefore, noise in the transmission channel and a misunderstanding of information due to the context of the receiving agent are common errors in the communication process. The objective is to plan an error free communication system, for this to happen the probabilities of noise and context affecting information have to be reduced. Besides, it’s important to obtain maximum performance with minimum resources use.
To achieve this, the BITrum project has been analyzing communication networks in specific contexts with specific actions and considering information relevance as a factor. It sounds complex, but it really is just an analysis of people’s reactions to spain’s election process, as actions, and how this topic became a tendency, using Twitter as the communication channel. This has the objective of testing a mathematical model that would allow the creation of an error free communication network. On science, factors change, massive networks are replaced by theoretical framework, interaction is replaced by the expression of an specific case inside the theory and the relevance factor is replaced by knowledge evolution.
Taking the possibilities this brings to ecuadorian science into account is fundamental. A scientific information network means the possibility of connecting information for knowledge benefits. This means using the final product of science to contribute to growth of science itself.
José María Díaz Nafria presented a short seminar called Information: Among Networks and Systems of Knowledge. On this talk he exposed his intentions of developing a knowledge network for Ecuador. To listen to the entire seminar, click here.