
Gravitational Waves Astronomy: The Sounds of the Universe

Since the first-ever direct detection of Gravitational Waves (GW) by the Large Interferometer Gravitational Waves Observatory (LIGO), a completely new and exotic window has been opened. Astronomers believe, this is the golden (of a new) age of our era. The production of GW is giving us already understanding of astrophysical objects, in a way electromagnetic waves are not able to provide. Now, black hole binary systems, supernova, and possibly the cosmic microwave background, remnant of the Big Bang event, might find a channel to communicate us how did they form and how they will evolve. After the group in charge of the operations of LIGO won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2017, the basics of the Science are a must for any Astronomer. I will give a very tiny drop of explanation of GWs, and talking about the September 2015 detection for a broad audience, either for interested in the future GW Astronomy or just curious about how the Universe sounds.


Gravitational Waves Astronomy: The Sounds of the Universe

Gravitational Waves Astronomy: The Sounds of the Universe

15 / Marzo / 2018
2:00 pm
Sala Capitular

Dr. José Manuel Ramírez

Since the first-ever direct detection of Gravitational Waves (GW) by the Large Interferometer Gravitational Waves Observatory (LIGO), a completely new and exotic window has been opened. Astronomers believe, this is the golden (of a new) age of our era. The production of GW is giving us already understanding of astrophysical objects, in a way electromagnetic waves are not able to provide. Now, black hole binary systems, supernova, and possibly the cosmic microwave background, remnant of the Big Bang event, might find a channel to communicate us how did they form and how they will evolve. After the group in charge of the operations of LIGO won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2017, the basics of the Science are a must for any Astronomer. I will give a very tiny drop of explanation of GWs, and talking about the September 2015 detection for a broad audience, either for interested in the future GW Astronomy or just curious about how the Universe sounds.

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