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1st. ReGG anual meeting

It is the goal of the Ecuadorian Genetics and Genomics Network (ReGG) to foster interaction and stimulate research specifically around genetics and genomics nationally that benefits basic and applied science producing new knowledge, technology for the country’s needs and applications ranging from agriculture to medicine. The network will establish a national consensus and open forum for the Ecuadorian genetics and genomics research community that will advise on research and policy priorities and could develop into a broader Latin American effort in due time contributing especially to the Andean region and beyond.

Specific Aims

1. To document the state of genetics and genomics in Ecuador,
2. To advance knowledge in the fields of genetics and genomics and its applications in Ecuador,
3. To share equipment, technology and expertise among active genetics and genomics researchers in Ecuador,
4. To exchange new ideas and foster collaboration especially in an interdisciplinary setting,
5. To hold an annual scientific national meeting to share ideas, exchange experiences within Ecuador and with international participants,
6. To develop relevant links to other relevant organizations nationally and internationally,
7. To explore offering professional genetics and genomics training courses,
8. To develop joint grants supporting research centered around genetics and genomics.


Catalina Lopez-Correa

Chief Scientific Officer and Vice President
Genome BC, Vancouver, Canada

With more than 20 years of international experience in both the academic and private sectors, Dr. Catalina Lopez-Correa’s deep understanding of genomics has inspired leaders in science and industry to collaborate toward solving some of the world’s greatest challenges. Prior to joining Genome BC, Catalina was the CSO and Vice-President Scientific Affairs at Genome Quebec, where she was instrumental in developing competitive teams for national and provincial research projects raising the profile of Canadian genomics on the global stage.


Gabriela Repetto

Center of Genetics and Genomics
School of Medicine, Universidad del Desarrollo. Santiago, Chile

Faculty member at Center of Genetics and Genomics at the School of Medicine, which carries out teaching, research and clinical care (at Clínica Alemana and Hospital Padre Hurtado) and community outreach. Gabriela works on the integration of genetics and genomics in medical curriculum, as a transversal thread along pre and post graduate education. Her research focus is on rare disorders, that are mostly of genetic origin and causa disability and early deaths, specially in children.

San Franciso University, Quito

Salón Azul


Time Topic Chair
08h00 Registration
08h30 Event Inauguration by authorities: Ecuadorian Secretary of Higher Education, Science and Technology (SENESCYT), Ecuadorian Genetics and Genomics Network (ReGG)
09h15 Medical genomics in development countries Catalina Lopez-Correa
10h00 Coffee break
10h30 Microbiome San Francisco de Quito University (USFQ)
12h30 Lunch
14h00 Tropical diseases National Institute of Public Health Research (INSPI)
16h00 Coffee break
16h30 Posters presentations
Time Topic  Chair
08h00 Registration
08:30 Plant Breeding National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIAP)
11h00 Coffee break
11h30 Poster awards Scientific committee
12h00 Lunch
13h00 Emerging Trends in Genomics for the BioEconomy Yachay Tech University.
15:00 Presentation award winning posters
15h30 Coffee break
16h00 Genomics and rare diseases Gabriela Repetto
16h45 Round table: the future of genetics and genomics in Ecuador Relevant authorities
