Chancellor’s Office

Chancellor’s Office

Responsabilities of the Chancellor's Office

The Chancellor of Yachay Tech is the academic authority responsible for maintaining the University’s intellectual rigor and the welfare of academic units and life on campus. The Chancellor is also responsible for managing the academic affairs of the institution, recommending academic policies, managing the procedures of teaching and research programs, and coordinating the interdisciplinary research areas proposed by the academic leadership. In addition, the Chancellor recommends appointments for faculty to the Rector and is the authority responsible for securing the hiring of professors of the highest standards of academic excellence.

The leadership is purely academic and the Vice chancellors of research and innovation and of academic affairs, deans and all university academic coordination’s report directly to the Chancellor.


Update of all academic processes and regulations related to internal operations, tenure-track appointment policy, policy for creating three University Based Research Centers, among others,in order to create and maintain the highest possible level of academic quality and rigor both for the students as for the faculty.

Creation of an orientation program for incoming students of an international standards and the re-structuring of all leveling courses to ensure the highest possible level of success for new students.

Development of the IN ^ 3 (IN-cubed: Innovative, International, Interdisciplinary) program for all undergraduate students at YT. A program designed to train future leaders in science and engineering by providing training in the advanced skills and competencies needed to analyze problems and create innovative solutions that connect technology development with the needs of society and the demands of the productive sector.
Signing of six new cooperation agreements with governmental institutions and international universities.

Improvement of facilities and support services on campus to provide health and safety support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Judith Vanegas Ph.D