Students award peers and faculty

Students award peers and faculty

During the welcoming event of the School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Welchem 2018

The School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering held an event to welcome the new semester with all its students on January 19, 2018. During the event, the School gave a summary of the achievements of the last semester, presented the research areas of each faculty member, and gave recognition to outstanding faculty and students.

The event took place at the Sugar Mill, where faculty and students expressed their gratitude towards those they considered as extraordinary characters who have contributed to the improvement and growth of the School. The students were in charge of rewarding peers and faculty.

The students who were awarded were:

  • Francis Emilia Hidalgo Baez
  • Rafael Edison Jimenez Granada
  • Javier Steven Jimenez Guailla
  • Diana Lisseth Pereira Guevara
  • Erick Steven Alonzo Patiño
  • Jordy Jamil Sarmas Farfan
  • Carlos Eduardo Veloz Marmolejo

The faculty who were awarded were:

  • Solmar Varela
  • Alicia Sommer
  • Floralba López
  • Marta López
  • Hortensia Rodriguez
  • Sandra Hidalgo
  • Juan Pablo Saucedo
  • José Ángel Rivera
  • Alex Palma
  • Manuel Caetano

We congratulate all the students and faculty of the School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering for recognizing their work and promoting unity amongst the School.


Yachay Tech, as part of its outreach and social strategies, contributes to the development of the educational communities located in the City of Knowledge, specifically working with the Technological Institute […]

Yachay Tech, as part of its commitment to work together with the community and improve the quality of life of the citizens of the San Miguel de Urcuquí Canton, has created a training program for the citizens with the aim of training them with the competences to access quality higher education.