Discussion board with the Rector

Discussion board with the Rector

Urcuquí, May 30, 2019

A discussion board invited by the Rector, Spiros N. Agathos, Ph.D., was held On Thursday, May 30, 2019, to present the short-term issues are of collective interest regarding the University.

The Rector addressed the most sensitive issues that Yachay Tech is going through. Among them, he talked about the refusal of the Ministry of Finance to restore part of the budget that was cut at the beginning of the year. For this, he informed that they are reviewing alternatives such as: workforce optimization, self-management through master’s programs that are about to be offered, as the Master’s in Applied Physics. In addition, he spoke about the status of the curriculum’s approval. With regard to this topic, Edgar Moncayo, School Services Coordinator, explained that they expect to complete this process by mid-June.

Additionally, during the talk, the Rector introduced Lorena Zeggane, who was appointed as Legal Secretary of the Board of Trustees on May 27, 2019. To close the event, Sofía Pérez, Advisor to the Rector, explained the details of the report concerning Yachay Tech that SENESCYT presented before CES (Higher Education Council) on May 29, 2019.

These discussion boards allow attendants to make questions with the purpose of having direct communication between authorities and members of the community.

You can watch the discussion board by going on Workplace using your Yachay Tech’s username and password. Click here:




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