
The Standard Model and beyond: Neutrino as a probe of New Physics

In 2012, a new particle “Higgs boson” was discovered at the two detectors of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland, which was the last piece of the puzzle of the Standard Model of particle physics. With the Standard Model, we can understand almost all phenomena of elementary particles which are the fundamental structure of matter and the basic building blocks of our world.

However, most of physicists believe that it is not the end of the story. In this research seminar, I would like to introduce the Standard Model,
paying special attention to the relation to the courses given in the university, and we will discuss the reasons why we physicists — both theorists and experimentalists — are not satisfied with the Standard Model and try to go beyond it.

I would also like to present my recent works in which we try to find a hint to New Physics from properties of neutrino.


The Standard Model and beyond: Neutrino as a probe of New Physics

The Standard Model and beyond: Neutrino as a probe of New Physics

4 / May / 2017
2:00 pm
Aula I-103

Toshihiko Ota

In 2012, a new particle “Higgs boson” was discovered at the two detectors of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland, which was the last piece of the puzzle of the Standard Model of particle physics. With the Standard Model, we can understand almost all phenomena of elementary particles which are the fundamental structure of matter and the basic building blocks of our world.

However, most of physicists believe that it is not the end of the story. In this research seminar, I would like to introduce the Standard Model,
paying special attention to the relation to the courses given in the university, and we will discuss the reasons why we physicists — both theorists and experimentalists — are not satisfied with the Standard Model and try to go beyond it.

I would also like to present my recent works in which we try to find a hint to New Physics from properties of neutrino.

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