Yaniel Vázquez, Ph.D.

Profesor Agregado 1


Yaniel Vázquez graduated as a Geologist Engineer from Moa University “Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez”, Cuba. Yaniel in 2006 defended the Master in Regional Geology, and next he won a European Union Scholarship to pursue her PhD in Sedimentary Basin Analysis and Petroleum Geology at the University of Barcelona, ​​Spain (2009-2014). He has conducted research related to slope stability, hydrogeology, regional geology, erosional processes, tectono-stratigraphy, and sedimentary infill evolution. In addition, he has participated in research projects related to the study of sedimentary basins, modeling of facies and sedimentary bodies, hydrocarbon resources, characterization and eco-toxicological evaluation of the residues contained in mining drilling mud for its sustainable use, among others.
He is a member of the Management Committee and Scientific Coordinator of the Imbabura Geopark, of the UNESCO Global Geoparks Network for Latin America and the Caribbean (GeoLAC), of the Ecuadorian Stratigraphic Commission, and Director of the Vinculation Project “Academic-Scientific Support to the Geopark Imbabura”.

Intereses de Investigación 

Yaniel´s research lines are focused on basin research combing surface an subsurface datas, tectono-sedimentary evolution of sedimentary infill and regional geology, as well as, geological engineering.
He also has interests too asociated to geoheritage and preservation of gelogical resourceses that allow us to delevop susteanibily activities with the environment.


Publicaciones Seleccionadas 

  • Carrillo, E., Barragán, R., Vázquez-Taset, Y.M., Almeida, R., Chalampuente, A., Martín, G. (2022, en imprenta). The Manabí and Esmeraldas-Borbón forearc basins of Ecuador. En Zamora, G. y Mora, A. (eds.). Andean Structural Styles: A Seismic Atlas, Elsevier – Health Sciences Division. ISBN10 0323851754, ISBN13 9780323851756.
  • Carrillo, E., Barragán, R., Hurtado, C., Calderón, Y., Martín, G., Vázquez-Taset, Y.M., Parra, M., Rivera, A., Cadena, F.M., Sarmiento, L. (2021). Depositional Sequences in Northern Peru: New Insights on the Palaeogeographic and Palaeotectonic Reconstruction of Western Gondwana During Late Permian and Triassic. Journal of the Geological Society. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2020-186.
  • Vázquez-Taset, Y.M., Sàbat, F., Cabello, P., Cruz-Orosa, I., Ramos, E. (2020). Cenozoic tectonostratigraphic evolution of the strike-slip Cauto-Guacanayabo Basin, Eastern Cuba. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 100, 102592.
  • Carrillo, E., Guinea, A., Casas, A., Rivero, Ll., Cox, N., Vázquez-Taset, Y.M. (2020). Tectono-sedimentary evolution of transverse extensional faults in a foreland basin: Response to changes in tectonic plate processes. Basin Research.


Member of Research Groups
Grupo de Investigación Geología y Geofísica Aplicada (GYGAEARTH)