Paulo Navas

Profesor Ocasional 1


Dr. Paulo Navas, a specialist in Critical Care Medicine, earned his medical degree from the Central University of Ecuador (2011) and completed his specialization at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (2019). He is a faculty member at Yachay Tech University, where he teaches anatomy and pathophysiology, emphasizing the integration of theory with practical application and innovative technology.

Dr. Navas is a member of the Ecuadorian Society of Intensive Care (SECI) and serves as an attending physician at San Vicente d Paul General Hospital in Ibarra, Ecuador. Committed to bridging education and clinical practice, he collaborates with medical institutions to align academic training with real-world healthcare demands, fostering a new generation of skilled professionals.

Research Interests

Invasive mechanical ventilation, pulmonary and cardiovascular physiology, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and the comprehensive management of critically ill patients.

Selected Publications

  1. Deep learning neural network development for the classification of bacteriocin sequences produced by lactic acid bacteria
  2. Survival analysis of COVID-19 versus non-COVID-19 patients requiring intensive care for acute respiratory distress syndrome: An observational retrospective study
  3. Una revisión sistemática de la aplicación de la inteligencia artificial en la implantología.
  4. Hipotensión en hemodiálisis como marcador de mortalidad en pacientes crìticamente enfermos que realizaron falla renal aguda en la Terapia Intensiva del Hispotal Carlos Andrade Marín en el periodo 2018-2019