Lenin J. Ramirez, Ph.D.

Decano de la Escuela de Ciencias Biológicas e Ingeniería


Born in Loja, Ecuador, Prof. Ramirez-Cando is an Biotech Engineer with a broad background in bioremediation, green chemistry, and ecology. He obtained his master’s at the University of Pavia-Italy in Environmental Toxicology and his doctoral degree at the University of Firenze. He studied the environmental performance of 3G Biorefineries in Bologna and Pisa.

Prof. Ramirez-Cando has joined Universidad Politecnica Salesiana as faculty. During this time, he developed and directed several research projects with colleagues from the University of Firenze, the University of Porto, and the University of Debrecen. Additionally, He was the Associate Editor of La Granja Life Science Journal.

More recently, Prof. Ramirez-Cando joined Yachay Tech University in 2019 as Professor of Bioenvironmental Engineering and has joined forces with Dr. Edward Avila and Dr. Santiago Ballaz to study the Cytotoxicity of neonicotinoids in a human neuronal cell line. He also is President of the Committee of Ethics for Research in Yachay Tech. Outside of university; He is collaborating as academic consultant with CEDIA and other universities in Ecuador.


Research Interests

Green chemistry


Selected Publications

Ramirez-Cando Lenin, Angeloni Giulia, Guerrini Lorenzo, and Parente Alessandro (2022), Environmental impacts of Communitary crops of sweet Quinoa at Andean region in Ecuador. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management.

Matteo, R., D’Avino, L., Ramirez-Cando, L. J., Pagnotta, E., Angelini, L. G., Spugnoli, P., Tavarini, S., Ugolini, L., Foschi, L., & Lazzeri, L. (2020). Camelina (Camelina sativa L. Crantz) under low-input management systems in northern Italy: Yields, chemical characterization and environmental sustainability. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 15(2), 132-143. https://doi.org/10.4081/ija.2020.1519

Alvarez-Mendoza, C. I., Teodoro, A., & Ramirez-Cando, L. (2019). Improving NDVI by removing cirrus clouds with optical remote sensing data from Landsat-8–A case study in Quito, Ecuador. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment.

Alvarez-Mendoza, C. I., Teodoro, A., & Ramirez-Cando, L. (2019). Spatial estimation of surface  ozone concentrations in Quito Ecuador with remote sensing data, air pollution measurements and meteorological variables. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 191(3), 1-15.

Ramírez-Cando, L. J., Chicaiza Ramírez, S. E., Ramos López, A. D., & Álvarez, C. I. (2019). Detection  of betalactamic antibiotics, tetracyclines and sulfamides as emerging pollutants in the rivers San Pedro and Pita of the canton Rumiñahui. LA GRANJA. Revista de Ciencias de la Vida, 30(2), 88-102.

Coccini, T., Caloni, F., Ramirez Cando, L. J., & De Simone, U. (2017). Cytotoxicity and proliferative capacity impairment induced on human brain cell cultures after short‐and long‐term exposure to magnetite nanoparticles. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 37(3), 361-373.

Ramírez-Cando, L. J., De Simone, U., & Coccini, T. (2017). Toxicity evaluation of iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles on human neuroblastoma-derived SH-SY5Y cell line. Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, 17(1), 203-211.