Ibeth Rendón Enríquez, Ph.D.

Técnico Docente 1


Ibeth Rendón-Enríquez received her B.Sc degree in Chemistry at “Universidad Central del Ecuador” in 2010. Her M.Sc studies were focused in the field of electrochemistry at “Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México” (UNAM) headed by Prof. Dr. Bernardo A. Frontana Uribe from 2011 to 2013. Then she did her doctoral studies in the Didactic Chemistry Group headed by Prof. Dr. Michael W. Tausch at “Bergische Universität Wuppertal” (Germany) until February 2017 when she received her doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat). Since May 2022, she works at School of Chemistry Science and Engineering in Yachay Tech University teaching courses related to General Chemistry and Pedagogic Chemistry. She is the author of various scientific publications in indexed journals.


Research interest

  • Applied Electrochemistry for teaching tools.
  • Development of teaching materials for General Chemistry to be use at High School or University level.


Selected publications

  1. Palma-Cando, A.; Rendón-Enríquez, I.; Tausch, M.; Scherf, U.: Thin Functional Polymer Films by Electropolymerization. Nanomaterials 2019, 9, 1125, doi.org/10.3390/nano9081125.
  2. Peñafiel-Vicuña, S.; Rendón-Enríquez, I.; Vega-Poot, A.; López-Téllez, G.; Palma-Cando, A.; Frontana-Uribe, B.: Recovering Indium Tin Oxide Electrodes for the Fabrication of Hematite Photoelectrodes. Electrochem. Soc. 2020, 167, 126512, doi.org/10.1149/1945 7111/abaf7a
  3. Rendón-Enríquez, I.; Tausch M.; Scherf U.: Elektrochrome Fenster mit leitenden Polymeren. Unserer Zeit 2016, 50, 400, doi.org/10.1002/ciuz.201600734.
  4. Rendón-Enríquez, I.; Tausch M.; Scherf U.: Elektrochrome Fenster, PdN Chemie in der Schule 2016, 8/65. (Revista impresa)
  5. Rendón-Enríquez, I.; Agilar Cordero J. C.: Estudio Electroquímico De Monocapas Autoensambladas De Cisteamina Funcionalizadas Con 6-Metil-2-piridincarboxaldehído. Química Central 2011 2, 33, doi.org/10.29166/quimica.v2i1.548.