Hortensia Rodriguez, Ph.D.

Coordinadora de la Maestría en Química Médica


Hortensia M. Rodríguez obtained a B.Sc. in Radiochemistry from the Superior Institute of Science and Nuclear Technology (ISCTN, Cuba) (1991-1996). She then joined the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis of Faculty of Chemistry, University of Havana (Cuba), and got an M.Sc. in 1999. In 2006 finished her Ph.D., focused on developing non-conventional methods for the synthesis of bioactive heterocyclic compounds, which was awarded the best qualification (“Cum Laude”). Afterward, she served as chair of the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis, as a senior lecturer in the Chemistry Faculty of the University of Havana (2006-2009), and as chair of the Department of Organic Chemistry in the Chemistry Faculty at the same university (2009-2011). Between 2011 and 2014, she worked as a Research Associate in the Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Program (Prof. Albericio group) at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona, Spain.

Rodríguez has taught a wide variety of pre and postgraduate courses. Her teaching interest focuses on Organic Chemistry and related courses as Organic Synthesis, Modern aspects in obtaining drugs, Organic Physical Chemistry, Combinatorial Chemistry, among others. Her research covers a broad range of topics in synthetic chemistry and nano bioscience. She has directed, co-directed, and participated in several research projects within her field of expertise. Besides, Hortensia has published more than 50 scientific papers in Organic Synthesis, Peptides, Bioorganic Chemistry, Biomedicine, and Nanobioscience; and has advised several theses, masters, and doctorates. Professor Rodriguez has also received several awards as the “Sofia Kavalevskaia” for the scientific achievements in the area of Exact science (2007) and distinctions of Academy of Sciences of Cuba to the result of the scientific achievements (2006, 2007, and 2018). In August of 2014, she moves to Ecuador and joins the Yachay Tech Project as Chemistry Lecturer. From July of 2017 until June 2020, Hortensia was the Dean of the School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering of the YachayTech University. Ecuador. Since then, and to date, she has remained as a full professor at the same School.

Resumen de intereses

Síntesis orgánica centrada en la síntesis en fase sólida de pequeñas moléculas orgánicas y péptidos; aproximaciones sintéticas más sostenibles para estructuras químicas biológicamente activas;  estudio de algunos sistemas orgánicos bajo energías no convencionales (microondas e irradiación con ultrasonido); técnicas de conjugación; anticuerpos conjugados de fármacos como sistemas de administración de fármacos.

Proyectos de investigación actuales

Síntesis en Fase Sólida (soportes, enlazadores y / o métodos)

Enlazadores para conjugados de fármaco de anticuerpo.

Soportes para mejorar la síntesis de péptidos sobre membrana

Publicaciones seleccionadas

  • “CuAAC: An Efficient Click Chemistry Reaction on Solid Phase” V. Castro, H. Rodriguez, F. Albericio. ACS Comb. Sci., 18, 1−14 (2016) DOI: 10.1021/acscombsci.5b00087.
  • “Tetrahydropyranyl, a Nonaromatic Acid-Labile Cys Protecting Group for Fmoc peptide Chemistry” I. Ramos-Tomillero, H. Rodríguez, F. Albericio. Org. Lett., 17, 7 (2015) DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.5b00444.
  • “Solvent-free synthesis of 4-aryl substituted 5-alkoxycarbonyl-6-methyl-3,4-dihydropyridones under microwave irradiation.” H. Rodríguez, M. Suarez, R. Perez, A. Petit, A. Loupy. Tetrahedron Letters, 44, 3709 – 3712, (2003) DOI:10.1016/S0040-4039(03)00625-7