Gabriel Barragan

Técnico Docente 2



Gabriel Barragán is a mathematician graduated from Yachay Tech. In 2018, he participated in a market analysis project for Empresa Pública de Investigación Centro (EPICENTRO). From 2019 to 2020, Gabriel was a member of research project Estimación Bayesiana de un Modelo de Efectos Mixtos definido por una Ecuación Diferencial Estocástica, granted by Yachay Tech. Since 2020, he joined the School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences at Yachay Tech.

Research interests

Kalman filtering algorithms, computational statistics, mathematical modeling

Selected Publications

Barragán, G., Infante, S., & Hernández, A. (2021). Unscented Kalman Filter and Gauss-Hermite Kalman Filter for Range-Bearing Target Tracking. In Brazilian Technology Symposium (pp. 537-544). Springer, Cham. DOI: