Eusebio Ariza, Ph.D.

Profesor Agregado 3


Eusebio Ariza was a professor of mathematics in Simon Bolívar University from until September 2015. He received his doctorate in February 2015.

Summary of Interests

Clifford Analysis and its consequences. Clifford Analysis is a generalization of the classical theory of complex analysis. Some of the applications of Clifford Analysis are related with the theory of partial differential equations, wavelet theory and signals in image processing, the theory of harmonic functions and others. There are many branches developed in the context of Clifford algebra, such as the theory monogenic functions, slice monogenic functions, multimonogenic functions, fractional calculus, and weighted monogenic functions. In these contexts there are many open problems.

Current Research projects

Weighted analytic, multimonogenic functions.

Selected Publications

E. Ariza, A. Di Teodoro A. Infante and C. Vanegas. Fundamental solutions for second order elliptic operators in Clifford-type algebras. Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras. 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s00006-014-0526-5.

Ariza, E., & Di Teodoro, A. (2013). Hartog’s Type Extension Theorem in Some Piecewise Constant Structure Relations for Metamonogenic Functions of First Order. Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 1-16. DOI: 10.1007/s00006-013-0397-1.

Ariza, E., & Di Teodoro, A. Multi Mq-monogenic functions in different dimensions. Contained in the book Hypercomplex Analysis: New perspectives and Applications, Non-commutattive Analysis, Operator Theory and Applications Trends in Mathematics, Springer International Publishing. (2014), 61-73. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-08771-9_4.