Erick Cuenca

Coordinador de la Maestría en Ciencia de Datos


Short Bio

Since Dec. 2019, Erick has been an associate professor at Yachay Tech University, Ecuador. Erick is a member of the Computer Science department. Erick focuses his research on data visualization. He is especially interested in getting insight from time-space-oriented data or graph model information. In 2019, Erick was a postdoctoral researcher at UCLouvain University, Belgium. Erick’s research focused on proposing several approaches to understand the temporal and spatial aspects of the data. He was a member of the INGI department at the ICTEAM institute. In 2018, Erick defended his Ph.D. thesis at the University of Montpellier, France, where he was a member of the ADVANSE team at the LIRMM laboratory. His thesis work focuses on dynamic and complex data modeled by time series and graphs, respectively.

Summary of Interests

  1. Information visualization, Visual analytics, Time-oriented data visualization, Graph visualization, Movement data visualization


Current Research projects

  1. New approaches to understanding and modelling global migration trends
  2. Analysis of the economic impact of digital information disseminated by the Ecuadorian Army using big data techniques
  3. Visual analytics of social media
  4. Time-events evolution on Twitter


Selected Publications

  1. Erick Cuenca, Arnaud Sallaberry, Dino Ienco, and Pascal Poncelet. VERTIGo: a Visual Platform for Querying and Exploring Large Multilayer Networks. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 28(3): 1634-1647. 2022. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2021.3067820
  2. Samiha Fadloun, Yacine Morakeb, Erick Cuenca, and Kheireddine Choutri. TrajectoryVis: a visual approach to explore movement trajectories. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12(1): 1-17. 2022. doi: 10.1007/s13278-022-00879-8
  3. Erick Cuenca, Arnaud Sallaberry, Florence Ying Wang, and Pascal Poncelet. MultiStream: A Multiresolution Streamgraph Approach to Explore Hierarchical Time Series. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 24(12): 3160-3173. 2018. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2018.2796591