Antonio Acosta, Ph.D.

Profesor Agregado 3


Antonio Acosta Orellana was a professor of Mathematics at  Universidad Central de Venezuela, since 1989 until March 2014. He joined Yachay Tech faculty in April 2014 as founder member and he is occasional Professor at this moment.

Summary of Interests
He is interested in the study of continuous dynamical systems. This focused primarily on the study of synchronization of systems of differential equations of the type master-slave. Also, he is always in touch with colleagues to discuss and keep up with different approaches which are important to provide a better teaching.

Current Research projects
Synchronizing extended systems with local perturbations•Exact solutions for some kind of periodic systems

Exact solutions for some kind of periodic systems

Selected Publications

• Synchronization conditions for master-slave reaction diffusion systems. Europhysics Letters, Volume88, number6, 60006 (2009).
• Synchronization of nonidentical extended chaotic systems. Applicable Analysis. 92:4, 740-751 (2013).
• Finite Time Synchronization of Extended Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Using Local Coupling. International Journal of Differential Equations. Vol 2017 (2017).
• Solvability of Semilinear equations in Hilbert Spaces. Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis. Vol.2018, Article ID3, 1-9 (2018)