Nerio Borges, Ph.D.

Coordinador de la Carrera de Matemáticas


Born in Maracaibo, Venezuela. Mathematician, specialized in Mathematical Logic, with PhD from the Universidad Simón Bolívar in Caracas, Venezuela. Professor (tenured) in the Universidad Simón Bolívar since 2007 until december 2017 where he regularly taught courses in calculus, algebra, mathematical logic and descriptive computational complexity, advised thesis and held academic-administrative positions. Member of the Asociación Matemática Venezolana and Computability in Europe. Joined Yachay Tech in 2017.


Summary of interests

Knowledge representation and change, mathematical logic


Current research projects

-Parallel SAT solving, directed by the PhD. Levis Zerpa.

-Edition of the Linear Algebra book for Yachay Tech, the leader of the project is the PhD. Juan Mayorga.

-Expressibility of Ramsey-Type properties in some fragments of Second Order Logic.


Selected Publications

1. E. Pin, N. Borges. \A syntactic tool for proving hardness in the Second Level of the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy”. arXiv:1707.09327 (Preprint).

2. N. Borges. \A su cient condition for rst order non-denability of arrowing problems”. Bolet n de la Asociaci on Venezolana de Matem aticas. Vol XX. No 2.

3. N. Borges, B. Bonet.\Universal First Order Logic is superuous with respect to NL, P, NP and coNP.” Logical Methods in Computer Science. Vol 10. (1:15) 2014 pp. 1-16.

4. B. Bonet, N. Borges. \Syntactic Characterizations of Completeness using Duals and Operators.” Logic Journal of the IGPL. Vol. 20, issue , february 2012, pp. 266-282. Oxford University Press.

5. N. Borges, B. Bonet. \On canonical forms of complete problems viarst-order projections.” Logic and Computation Complexity ’07. 2007.

6. Borges, N., & Pin, E. (2019). Universal first-order logic is superfluous in the second level of the polynomial-time hierarchy. Logic Journal of the IGPL.